BRASÍLIA 50 ANOS | Logos :: 50 Years of Brasília by Antônio Danilo Moraes Barbosa

LOGOS: 50 years of Brasília

The logo was designed by architect and urban planner Antônio Danilo Moraes Barbosa, who works at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (Sedum). Morais lives in Brasília and is a former professor of architecture at the University of Brasília (UnB).

I like it a lot. Especially when it’s animated.

I like the cut-in accent on the “I” in Brasília:

The decision to use Brasília’s official colors was a good one.

But the best thing about the logo is how it focuses the spotlight on one of the lesser-sung notables (Pioneers, really) of Brasília’s urbanscape, artist Athos Bulcão, during this celebratory year.

Well done!

There were more than 400 entries for the logo from around Brazil.

The composition of the winning design refers to the curves of the works of architect Oscar Niemeyer, the design of urban planner Lucio Costa, and the famous tiles of the late, great, Athos Bulcão (1918-2008).


Fotos > Acacio Pinheiro

Durante o discurso, Arruda fez questão de lembrar que hoje Brasília é o símbolo da integração nacional

During the speech, Alvarez was keen to point out that today is the symbol of Brasilia national integration

An announcement was made early on Thursday at the Museum of the Republic, during the launch of the official logo of the fiftieth anniversary of the capital. The winner of the competition that defines the symbol of the anniversary, Danilo Antonio Morares Barbosa (right) won the $R 15 mil prize.

‘Today we are starting the celebrations of 50 years of Brasilia. This is a celebration of all Brazil, since we’re talking about the country’s capital, ‘said Governor Jose Roberto Arruda.

The expectation is that the official launch of the celebrations of the historic date to be made on 12 September, alluding to the birth date of President Juscelino Kubitschek.

‘Brasilia is now a consolidated city, a symbol of national integration, which revolutionized the concept of cities and architecture,’ said the governor.

The logo was chosen on 30 March 2010, after examining the proposals submitted by candidates across the country. The top 34 works are displayed until August 16 [2010] at the National Museum.

– Natália Chaves – Agência Brasília


designKULTUR | BRASÍLIA 50 ANOS | Athos Bulcão :: Master of the Mosaic ::: Google Image Results Mosaic

designKULTUR | BRASÍLIA 50 ANOS | Logos :: 50 Years of Brasília by Antônio Danilo Moraes Barbosa

Red LatinoAmericana de Diseño | »Result of the tender age of 50 logo«

Correio Braziliense | »Brasilia will have $ 20 million for the celebration of 50 years«

Agência Brasília | Aniversário de 50 anos de Brasília ganha investimento de R$ 20 milhões

Wikipedia | Athos Bulcão

Biografias – Vida e ObraAthos Bulcão

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